Tue, 14 August 2018
Thu, 13 September 2018

Agriculture Sector Coordination Meeting

The annual agriculture sector coordination meeting was graced by Dasho Dzongdag, Trashigang Dzongkhag, where he highlighted on food self-sufficiency and important topics that required deliberation during the meeting. The meeting was attended by various relevant agencies such as Dzongkhag Human Resource Office, Agriculture Research Development Centre, Wengkhar and Sub Centre, Khangma and Gewog Agriculture Extension Officers from 14 Gewogs.

The main resolutions of the meeting are as follows:

  1. Individual Work Plan (IWP) for the fiscal year 2017-2018 evaluation
  2. Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWPB) preparation for the fiscal year 2018-2019 under CARLEP funding
  3. IWP for the fiscal year 2018-2019 submission
  4. Training on Crop Cut Methodology (Determination of sample size using Stratified Four Stage Random Sampling Design to estimate crop yield)
  5. Royal Quinoa cultivation with a target of 85 acres (including LUC area) in Trashigang for the fiscal year 2018-2019
  6. Regional data base
  7. Discussion on field issues/challenges

The agriculture sector coordination meeting on AWPB 2018-2019, IWP 2017-2018 evaluation and IWP 2018-2019 submission and training on Crop Cut Methodology was organized by Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector with fund support from RGOB and CARLEP for four days (8th to 11th August 2018) at the Dzongkhag Engineering Conference Hall, Trashigang.

Submitted by: Dzongkhag Agriculture Sector, Trashigang (SG)