Trashigang dzongkhag looks to ecotourism

Trashigang dzongkhag looks to ecotourism

Trashigang dzongkhag has a five-year plan (13th Plan) to become a major ecotourism destination in Bhutan. Here are the key details:

  • Community-Based Focus: They aim for tourism that benefits local communities.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Accessibility and other infrastructure limitations are being addressed.
  • Revitalized Trails: Ancient trails between Khaling-Lumang, Radhi-Merak, Merak-Sakteng, and the Chenla trek in Kangpara are being revived for trekking. Basic amenities will be built along these routes for trekkers.
  • Rhododendron Festival: A one-week festival showcasing the unique culture and local products of Merak and Sakteng will be launched at Sheteymi next year. This area boasts 41 out of Bhutan's 46 Rhododendron species.
  • Biodiversity Paradise: With 77% forest cover, Trashigang is home to wildlife sanctuaries like Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary. Here, you can find rare animals like Red Pandas and Bengal Tigers. Over 234 bird species, including Tragopans, and a variety of butterflies, moths, orchids, and wildflowers (many undiscovered) call this place home.
  • Birding Hotspot: Khaling and Lumang gewogs are highlighted as potential birding destinations in eastern Bhutan, with over 250 bird species and three types of Tragopans.

His Majesty spent the day today with the people of the east in Kanglung, Tashigang.

His Majesty spent the day today with the people of the east in Kanglung, Tashigang.

His Majesty spent the day today with the people of the east in Kanglung, Tashigang. Thousands of people from across the dzongkhags of the east gathered at the grounds of Sherubtse College to meet with His Majesty.  
Speaking to the gathering, His Majesty thanked the people of Bhutan for their wholehearted and unfaltering support for all initiatives introduced in recent years to further our national aspirations and strengthen our collective future. 
The students of Sherubtse College and groups from the villages and gewogs of the east presented songs and dances for the celebration, and partook of Royal Tokha.

Merak primary healthcare centre finally complete

Merak primary healthcare centre finally complete

The wait for a new primary healthcare centre in Merak in Trashigang is finally over. The new centre was inaugurated recently in commemoration of the birth of Her Royal Highness the Princess. The construction of the healthcare centre started some eight years ago but could not be completed on time.