
The Education Sector of Trashigang Dzongkhag focuses on enhancing education quality, accessibility, and sustainability while promoting youth development, lifelong learning, efficient budgeting, and effective ICT service delivery.


“An Educated and enlightened society of GNH, built and sustained on unique Bhutanese values of THA – DAM-TSIG & LEY-GJU- DREY”


● Develop sound educational policies that enable the creation of a knowledge-based GNH society
● Provide equitable, inclusive and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities to all children and harness their full potential to become productive citizens.
● Equip all children with appropriate knowledge, skills and values to cope with the challenges of the 21st century.

Achieving Quality of Education

1.1 To provide quality education:

a. The education system must enable physical and psychosocial growth and development of learners & teachers.

b. Curriculum must foster acquisition of 21st century skills of innovation, creativity, enterprise and universal human values of peace and harmony.

c. School leaders must be visionary and proactive to improve the school and teachers must use child-centred teaching and assessment approaches to promote understanding in all learners


1.2 Fostering a Healthy, Safe, and Supportive Learning Environment

Access to nutritious food is essential for the proper development and functioning of children and adults. A hungry child cannot concentrate on study, loses the desire to play and lacks the energy for any physical and mental activity.

2. Health and Well-Being

Sanitation is the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human wastes. The lack of access to adequate sanitation facilities can cause diseases most commonly diarrhea from contamination with fecal matter increasing child mortality rates.32 Safe, adequate water and sanitation facilities in schools coupled with hygiene education will have a significant positive impact in schools, both on child health and on education outcomes.

3. Equity in Education

Excellence without equity risks leading to large economic and social disparities; equity at the expense of quality is a meaningless aspiration.60 Equity in education can be seen through two dimensions: fairness and inclusion. Equitable education systems are fair and inclusive, and support the students in reaching their learning potential without either formally or informally creating barriers or lowering expectations.

4. System Efficiency

In order to improve access, quality, and equity of education, the education sector must work systemically. The past efforts to improve education have largely been input oriented, primarily considering additional resources such as infrastructure, facilities, and human resources. There has been limited attention given to improving efficiency of the system as a whole. An education system may be called efficient when it attains the maximum level of results for a given level of investment


1. Basic, higher secondary school.
3. NFE
4. Special Education program.


●To improve relevance and quality of education
● To improve access to and sustainability of education
● To strengthen youth development programme and services
● To enhance adult literacy and lifelong learning
● To ensure full utilization of budget
● To enable effective and efficient ICT Service delivery.


i. Ensure good physical and psychosocial ambiance in school:
– a safe, welcoming atmosphere;
– a sense of belonging among students;
– trust between students and the teacher;
– willingness in students to ask questions, participate and take risks;
– clear expectations, and fair and honest feedback, from the teacher.
ii. Initiate student exchange programmes to enrich their learning experiences.
iii. Recognize and reward high performers
iv. Enhance student support programs like life skill edn, scouting, culture & counseling
v. Reinforce healthy and nutritious diet in boarding/day feeding schools.
vi. Proper accommodation of teachers in remote schools.
vii. Encourage positive school culture wherein teachers participate actively in decision making.
viii. Initiate award system for outstanding learners/ teachers/ principals

i. Upscale the schools’ resources, ICT ecosystem, and teacher competencies for experiential learning and holistic assessment.
ii. Turn schools into learning communities where teachers continuously research and improve student learning outcomes.
iii. Conduct relevant and continuous PD programmes.
iv. Allocate separate budget for PD programmes.
v. Ensure equitable distribution of competent teachers and principals to create an enabling environment and fair opportunity to all students to achieve the full potential.
vi. Strengthen assessment system
vii. Look into the possibility of having common test papers for classes 4,5,7,9,& 11.

i. Institutionalize effective induction and continuous PD programmes for principals & teachers
ii. Instill the habit of Self Reflection:
Eg. – Have you, in the last three years, progressed in your responsibilities, influence
and performance?
– What were your personal ambitions for this period, and did you achieve them?
– How confident are you of progress within your current school?
– How do you get on with colleagues and senior management?
iii. Outline clear aspirations for the next three years to five years.
iv. Aligned aspiration with the school plan.
v. Learn New skills & look for opportunities to improve existing skills

i. Enhance the knowledge and skills of school mess coordinator and cooks to ensure that students have access to nutritional food.
ii. Conduct regular monitoring of the feeding in schools to provide necessary support.
iii. Strengthen School Agriculture Programme to supplement the feeding programme in schools
iv. Schools must put in place safety rules and norms and ensure clear communication among all students, teachers and others in the school.
v. Review and strengthen implementation of School Discipline Policy through proper parent education on the policy.
vi. Develop plans and strategies to create a vibrant school culture founded on the GNH values that will enhance academic excellence and holisticdevelopment of all children.

i.Strengthen Comprehensive School Health Programme with special focus on parenting education.
ii. Enhance knowledge and skills of current school head coordinators through rigorous training and proper support.
iii. Strengthen coordination between schools and the health care centres to improve the regularity of health services to schools.
iv.Increase and improve the school water (Supply Mawong water filter to all schools) and sanitation facilities with special focus on the girl child.

i. Create effective links among the school, parents and the community to enhance the learning environment of students in disadvantaged schools.
ii. Create a supportive school climate, especially in schools located in rural areas
iii. Provide a range of support for struggling students in disadvantaged schools (coaching and mentoring, counselling specific measures to support students in the Mathematics, Science and English as they transition to secondary schools)

i. Improve the Education Management Information System (EMIS) at the school and Dzongkhag levels.
ii. Start evidenced based planning at all level of education administration.
iii. Introduce a regular annual cycle of professional development training.
iv. Empower schools to promote good governance
v. Empower principals by giving them more autonomy with accountability for their decisions and actions to practice decentralized management system, including finance, human resource, curricular and administrative matters consistent with School Autonomy Guidelines.
vi. Strengthen the use of School Self-Assessment Tools and School Improvement Plans to ensure proper planning and implementation of
vii. Educating for GNH and Child Friendly School
viii. Improve HR

1.1 100% NER in pry and basic & 60% GER in HS education.
1.2 Enhance & strengthen.

2.1 Enhance Access and quality to ECCD program.
2.2 Increase ECCD Centers in rural areas.
2.3 Implement and Monitor CIG & ELDS for ECCD.
2.4 Improve the infrastructure, facilities and the competency of ECCD facilitators to meet the Early Learning Development Standards (ELDS).
2.5. Advocate the role of ECCD programmes in preparing children for formal school to parents and relevant stake holders through awareness programmes.

3.1 85% adult literacy by the end of 2017
3.2 Strengthen monitoring system.

4.1 Identify students with mild to moderate disabilities for further support/ learning.
4.2 Expand and sustain the coverage of the SEN programme

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Dorji Gyalpo
Principal DEO

Thinley Dorji
Chief DEO

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