
Shongphu Gewog has an area of 92.4 sq. km located to the north east of Trashigang Dzong and is bordered by Samkhar, Bidung, Radhi and Merak Gewogs. The Gewog has hot and humid climate during summer while it is cold during the winter.

Shongphu Gewog has 5 Major Chiwogs namely, Changmey-Rangjung, Galing, Yobinang-Gongsephangma, Shongphu and Chaling. The Gewog Tshogde (GT) is the main institutional body of the Gewog and has 7 GT members. GT is chaired by the Gup (Block Headman), Mangmi (Block Representative), Tshogpa (Chiwog Representative) as members and other Civil Servant as observers.

No institutions in this Gewog.

Jigme Thinley
Shongphu Gup

Dendup Dema
Mangmi, Shongphu

Sherab Dorji
Shongphu,Yobinang Tshogpa

Nima Dorji
Shongphu Tshogpa

Lobzang Dawa
Shongphu, Chaling Tshogpa

Sonam Tobgay
Shongphu, Galing Tshogpa

Kinzang Dendup
Shongphu, Changmey Tshogpa

Tsundu Zangpo
Shongphu, Livestock extension Officer

Karma Sherab
Shongphu, Agriculture extension supervisor

Sonam Phuntsho
Gewog administrative officer, Shongphu

Sonam Yangda
Shongphu, Gewog Driver

Tshewang Namgyel
Shongphu, Caretaker

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