
Khaling Gewog is located at 55 km away from the Trashigang Dzongkhag to the West and 27km from Warmrong Drungkhag to the North-East. The area of the Gewog has an approximately 154.5 bordering Udzorong, Kanglung, Thrimshing and Lumang Gewog. The altitude of the Gewog ranges from 1240 to 2300 MASL and experience moderate and humid summer and cold winter. The Gewog has clayey loam type of soils with 85% forest coverage.

Khaling Gewog is located 55 km away from the Trashigang Dzongkhag to the west and 27km from Warmrong Drungkhag to the North-East. The area of the Gewog has approximately 154.5 sq. km bordering Udzorong, Kanglung, Thrimshing, and Lumang Gewog. The altitude of the Gewog range from 1240 to 2300 MASL and experiences moderate and humid summer and cold winter. The Gewog has clayey loam type of soil with 85% forest coverage.

The Gewog Administration has 11 staff consisting of Gup, Mangmi, 6 Tshogpas, an Administrative Officer, a Driver, and a Caretaker.

The Gewog consists of 603 households with a population of approximately 6057 (3126 male and 2931 female) spreading to six Chiwogs and forty-eight villages. Tshanglakha is the main dialect spoken by the people of Khaling.

Maize is the primary staple food grown in the Gewog. The millet, lentil, buckwheat, mustard, and paddy are also grown on small scales. The vegetables grown in the Gewog are pumpkin, chilies, turnip, radish, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and garlic.

Potato is the main cash crop and of late people have shown some interest in growing apples, pears, citrus, and hazelnut on a small scale as cash crops.

The Gewog has a good network of motor roads, particularly farm roads, and enjoys relatively better access to marketing facilities. However, the annual income generated from the farm products is minimal owing to poor crop yields because of impeding factors such as poor soil conditions, farm laborer shortages, and loss of crops to wild animals and pests annually. As a result, achieving food self-sufficiency remains one of the biggest challenges for the Gewog. The present poverty rate of the Gewog is 27% as per the National Statistic 2017.

The Gewog has a social infrastructure such as an RNR center, 1 Higher secondary school, 1 Lower secondary school, 4 primary schools, 1 ECCD, 1 Hospital, 7 Out Reach Clinic (ORC), 1 Community center, Bhutan Telecom, cable services, and BDBL branch unit rendering basic services to the community. The Gewog has 100% drinking water supply coverage with the 12 RWSS.

Gewog Profile Khaling Gewog 2023

Population and land use

Area (           154.5

Km from Dzongkhag headquarters to the Gewog center  55

Population figure total 6057

Male           3126

Female       2931

Population density     39.2

Administrative unit

Gewog center          1

Chiwogs                   6

No of villages           48

No of Gongtong       124

RNR center

RNR center              1

Range office             1

Piggery farm             0

Poultry farm              6

Milk processing unit  0

Active/registered farmers’ group        23

No of community forest                      6

No of farm roads                      19

Length of farm roads in KM      68.895

No of electric fencing               12

Length of electric fencing in KM   31.97

Number of functional irrigation channel   2

Length of functional irrigation channel      6.128 KM (3.628+2.5)

Health center

Hospital               1

No of BHU-I         0

No of BHU-II        0

ORC with shed    7


Higher secondary school             1

Middle secondary school             0

Lower secondary school              1

Primary school                             4

Extended classroom                    0

Non-formal education center (NFE)           1

Early Child Development Center (ECCD)  1

Religious and culture

N0 of community own lhakhang          7

No of Government lhakhang               3

No of Private own lhakhang                3

No of chortens                                     214


Total number of motor able bridge         2

Total number of Non-motor able bridge 3

Demography by chewog wise

Sl No        Chewog name                     Male          Female         Total

1               Jiri_lemi                                187             178                365

2               Barshong                              254             181                435

3               Gomchu_Kholddoong           176             175                351

4               Khaling                                  209             233                442

5               Brekha_menangzor               212             171                383

6               Beyphu_Tokaphu                   232             248                480

  All chewog                                                                                    2456

No institutions in this Gewog.

Sonam Dorji

Sonam Rabgay

Jigme Tenzin
Khaling Tshogpa

Khaling, Kholodung Tshogpa

Sangay Phuntsho
Khaling, Jeri-Lemi Tshogpa

Tashi Namgay
Khaling, Brekha tshongpa

Sonam Tashi
Khaling, Bayphu tshogpa

Lobzang Namgyel
Khaling, Agriculture extension supervisor

Khaling, Livestock extension supervisor

Ngawang Lhaden
Khaling, Gewog Administrative Officer

Phuntsho Wangdi
Khaling Community Service Executive (CSE)

Ugyen Dechen
Khaling Forest Ranger I

Tashi Pelden
Khaling Forest Ranger II

Ugyen Wangmo
Khaling, Gewog Caretaker

Tashi Namgyal
Khaling, Gewog Driver

No tourist destinations in this Gewog.

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