Phongmey Gewog is located at 33 km away from Dzongkhag headquarter and comprises 28 villages with 690 households, five Chewogs with the population of 5008 (Population and housing census: 2020). Gewog area sprawl about 99.4 Sq. Km with altitudinal ranges 1300 mts to 3300 mts experiencing mild summer to extreme winter. It shares boundary with India (Aurunachal Pradesh) to north, Sakteng Gewog to the east and Merak Gewog to the south, whereas Radhi and Bidung geog share their boundaries from west and west-north respectively. Rice production being one of the staple food crop in the geog, most of the farmers in geog own wetlands. With this, wheat, maize, soya-bean and garlic are also cultivating substantially to fulfil the category of self-sufficiency and to aid incomes. Farmers of lower belt of altitude, produces cash crop like garlic, banana, ginger, guava, orange and ground nut for the extra earnings to family. In addition to this livestock products (milk, cheese, butter, poultry and piggery) also constitute secondary income for them.
The Gewog has two significant religious sites, Firstly, Ralang locates magnificently 3 hours walk from the Gewog Centre. It is a panoramic geographical landscape and has got various historical backgrounds. In the mid eighteenth century, Lopen Drubthob Donga Rinchen, eminently known as Drupthob Khezhey, visited the plateau and blessed the sites after subduing the wrathful deities. Later, highly revered saints Lama Tenzin Jamtsho from yabrang village and Meme Gelong Dawa Norbu from Lem village visited and augmented its sacredness by meditating and sanctifying the site. Currently the Gonpa is taken care by Memi Gelong’s successive disciples. To commemorate the accomplishments of predecessors, on the auspicious day, Sermon of Lord Buddha, the community group conduct ritual offerings annually.
Tshongtshongma accounts to second religious landmark, which also demarks the international border with India (Aurnachual Pradesh) and is also highest mountain peak in Phongmey goeg. Historically, it is the holy place being blessed by Late His Holiness Tshongtshongma Rimpoche and it is also believed to be the resident of Local deity Chukpo Jambay Wangpo, who is supreme deity of Phongmey Goeg. Monastery still exist which was built by Tshogtshongma Rimpoche, encompassing the statue of eight manifestation of Guru Rimpoche.
Gewog Profile Merak Gewog 2023
Population and land use
Area(Sq Km) 99.4
Km from Dzongkhag head Quarter to Gewog center 33 km
Population Figure Total 5008
Male 2549
Female 2459
population Density ( per Sq Km)
Administrative units
Gewog Center 1
Chiwogs 5
No of villages 21
No of Gongtong 137
RNR Center
RNR Center 1
Range office 1
Piggery Farm 0
Poultry farm 1
Milk Processing unit 2
Active/ registered Farmers Group 2
No of community forestry
No of Farm Road 13
Length of farm Road in Kms 98
No of electric fencing 63
length of electric fencing in Kms 57km
No functional of Irrigation channel 22
length of functional Irrigation channel 46.59
Health Center
Hospital 0
No of PHC 2
No of sub post 1
ORC with shade 2
Higher secondary school 0
Middle secondary school 1
Lower secondary school 0
Primary school 3
Extended classroom 0
Non formal education center (NFE) 1
Early Child Development Center(ECCD) 2
Religion and culture
No of community own Lhakhang 14
No of Government lhakhang 0
No of Private own Lhakhang 2
No of chortens 218
Total number of motorable bridge 4
Total number of Non-motorable bridge 4
Demography by chewog wise
Sl No Chewog name Male Female Total
1 Pimsong 126 121 247
2 Ya_Brang 237 232 469
3 Thong_Rong 181 166 347
4 Phongmead 581 617 1198
5 Lem 180 176 356
All chewog 2617