Bidung Gewog was believed to be named after the Great Terton Pema Lingpa’s son Khedrup Kinga Wangpo who started Bidung Chojhe.As per the prophecy, khedrup Kinga Wangpo was to visit Bidung Gewog but he expired during his journey at Khoi Chhung village. It was believed that his dead body was brought to Bremung Village but internal organ was believed to be thrown at Kurichhu when they reached at Nay Chhobvillage. In the heart of Bidung Gewog there is a small village called Bremung where we can still see the (Ku Dung) death body of Khedrup Kinga Wangpo. Later Kudung was installed in Guru Rinpoche statue but the eyes of Guru Rinpoche was believed to be Khendrup Kinga Wanpos eyes. It has got another orally transmitted story in regards in naming of Bidung Gewog. Bidung Gewog was named Bii-Dung as its area seems to look like snake when we see from top (Wambola) to end (lungtenzampa).
Bidung gewog is located in the south of Shongphu, west of Bartsham and east of Phongmey gewogs and has border with Rolam, and Thagom villages of yalang gewog of TrashiYangtse Dzongkhag. The gewog office was constructed in the year 1993 holding a total area 0.40 decimal. Bidung gewog is 32 km away from Trashigang Dzongkhag with gewog center road measuring to 15km. The altitude ranges from 800 to 3500 maximum above sea level with an altitude of 1820 at gewog Centre. The climate is mainly temperate in the northern part of the Gewog and sub-tropical in the southern part of the Gewog.
Gewog has a total of 515 households with the total 3911 population. The gewog consist of 5 chiwogs with 31 major villages. The Gewog administration have total out lay of Nu.60.99 Million in the 12th five year plan. The community of Bidung gewog depends mainly on agriculture farming and the maximum source of income is from potatoes and rice cultivation. Gewog has formed five vegetable farmers group and four diary group.